Herbs in Vegetable Glycerin
Herbs in Zivania
Agnus Castus regulates the female hormones and calms men’s sex drive. It helps with loss of appetite, with stomach ache and depression. It reduces breast pain during the menstrual period, it helps to regulate prolactin levels and increases milk pro...
Aristotle Tincture helps with asthma and cleanses the lungs and sinuses of phlegm. It is very good for smokers because it helps clear the lungs. It is also very good for colds.
Blessed Thistle tea detoxifies the liver and stimulates the whole body. It helps in hepatitis and jaundice. It also helps with cirrhosis of the liver, gallbladder problems, psoriasis, constipation and fatty liver. It favorably alters liver enzyme lev...
Ceylan Cinammon lowers blood sugar and blood pressure. It is a heating herb which promotes good blood circulation, it helps the digestion function, reduces inflammation, pain and symptoms of arthritis. It helps prevent infections of the urinary syste...
Chaga Mushroom stimulates the body, is rich in vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements. It is effective against cancers of the liver, uterus, breast, colon, skin, cervix and lungs. It invades neoplastic cells without disrupting healthy tissue ...
Cholesterol Tincture is a unique formula with many herbs where it helps reduce bad cholesterol.
Old Witch Grass helps with inflammation of the urinary system, dissolves kidney stones and reduces nocturnal urination. It also helps with kidney disorders, renal colic and acne treatment. It reduces pain in arthritis, rheumatism, it dissolves gallst...
Damiana increases sex drive in men and women, erection in men and testosterone production. It stimulates the central nervous system and it is an effective antidepressant that works especially in cases of anxiety and depression, and when sexual factor
Echinacea boosts the immune system, strengthens the body’s defence system, it is used in the fight against AIDS and other infections. It is rich in vitamins A, E, C and has many minerals and enzymes and it helps to deal with colds.
Elder Flower helps with colds, fever, asthma, coughs, the flu, phlegm, respiratory problems, kidney disease, sore throats, pharyngitis and laryngitis. It is a sudorific herb (it causes sweating which helps to reduce fever, eliminates toxins), it lowe...
The tincture Elixir of the Greek is an elixir that strengthens the immune system and the body in general.
Essiak helps detoxify the body, stimulates the immune system, lowers blood pressure and cleans the bladder. It helps fight cancer, in chronic bronchitis, with diabetes, arthritis obesity, the liver, chronic fatigue, constipation, AIDS, cholesterol, t
Garlic lowers blood pressure, regulates the bile and it is a natural antibiotic. It helps with the flu, colds, cancer, diabetes, bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, asthma and respiratory problems. PLEASE NOTE: Garlic should be avoided by women who...
Gynostema helps prevent cancer, reduce intoxication and restore the function of the affected organs. It mitigates the negative effects during radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It works as a means of regulating liver cells with hepatitis and cirrhosis. I...
Gynura helps diabetics (it is the most wellknown herb for diabetes) and cancer patients. It also helps with rheumatism, strokes, heart attacks, hypertension (high blood pressure), wounds, haemorrhoids, skin problems and gynaecological problems.
Hawthorn regulates blood pressure and it is a cardiotonic herb. It helps with arrhythmia, insomnia, stress and tachycardia.
Horsetail helps to store metals (e.g. iron) in the body, kidney disease, kidney stones, acne, psoriasis, eczema and diarrhoea. It works as a diuretic and is haemostatic.
It helps with kidney and bile stones.
Kozani Crocus Tincture helps with depression, relieves stomach ache, soothes kidney pain, stimulates the appetite and facilitates digestion, while reducing gastric pain, hysteria, spasms, whooping cough and nervous colic. It improves acne prone skin ...
Melissa helps with stress, migraines, anxiety-related dizziness, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), period pains and stomach colic. It is recommended as a painkiller for toothache.